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Colorado Hockey Hub

Garfield County COVID Update

By Staff, 11/22/20, 6:30PM MST


Garfield County Level Orange Safer at Home

Grizzly Hockey Families. 

We regret to inform you that due to the State of Colorado moving Garfield county to COVID Level Orange status, all practices will be canceled for Thanksgiving break, with a focus on providing a safe return to play within current State & County guidelines on November 30th.

We looked at multiple options to find ways to keep players on the ice this week, but with the limitation of a maximum of 10 players on the ice at a time, along with limited staffing, we do not have an option to proceed with practices this week.

We are focused on a plan to return to play safely, with defined schedules and adequate staffing. This will more than likely be practices of 10 skaters at a time, in increments of 30 to 45 minutes per group, with more time needed between ice sessions to clear the facility in between cohort groups.

The last thing we want is a complete shutdown of our facility, which could very potentially happen, if we cannot abide by the various new regulations put upon us within the last 72 hours.

Thanks for your patience and understanding, we look forward to getting back on the ice very soon..GO GRIZZLIES!!